About Sarah Jane

& the EESystem

Sarah Jane has always believed that we can heal ourselves with support from nature and quantum laws and thus has spent decades as an avid student learning how the body can heal itself via alternative ways.

Over a year ago, Sarah came across what she thought was this new technology, the EESystem. It turns out, that the technology behind the system is not new at all, and Nikola Tesla was ahead of his days when it came to Scalar Waves and the Quantum Field.

Dr Sandra Rose Michaels created the EESystem to help support our ability to heal ourselves.

As humans, we usually rely on others to heal us. This, however, is disempowering, as we have the ability to heal ourselves - we just need to relearn these methods. The EESystem helps support you in your personal healing journey. For more info, see our resources tab.

“I myself have had deep meditation states that have opened up my awareness, this is why I decided to bring it here to Bundaberg, Burnett Heads to help support humanity as we move through these times.”
— Sarah Jane

Through her personal experiences and journey raising children, Sarah Jane has learnt many tools and practices to help support her on her way. This led to Sarah dedicating her life’s work to sharing and supporting others in their unique journies.

One of Sarah’s passions is the nervous system and how it supports us in our healing. She shares in her practices different ways to regulate the nervous system, allowing our bodies to function at their optimum level (where healing can happen).

“No one is broken, we were born whole, due to factors of emotional and environmental overload we find ourselves in overwhelm and anxiety with no tools to help us through these times, we have been given passed down conditions/programmes/beliefs and learnt behaviours from our caregivers which in turn has also been passed down to them, which we now call Ancestral Conditions/programmes and Beliefs.

This is all part of our journey to find out who we are and how do I wish to show up in the world. There is no blame to our Ancestors instead you can bless and keep what you want and release what no longer serves you, in this time we have choices, free will available to you. This is part of why I am here to support beings with my share’s and perspective on experiences as an invitation for you to create a new perspective for yourself”
— Sarah Jane

Benefits of the EESystem

Sarah Jane has studied many different modalities including personal training, Bio-Dynamic Craniosacral, Spinal Flow, Spinal Energetics, and breath work. At her Yoga studio in Burnett Heads, Essential Wellness Within, shares offers group Yin Yoga and meditation classes, 1:1 breath work, Bio-Dynamic Craniosacral and Spinal Energetics sessions and enriching workshops.

To find out more please visit www.essentialwellnesswithin.com.au

What clients are saying:

“Today I had the pleasure of a session at Sarah's brand new Quantum-e-lounge studio at Burnett Heads. It was a lovely relaxing session, and made me feel relaxed and energised. The positive energy from the machines seeps into your psyche and makes you feel calm and healthy. I can recommend a session to anyone who needs to unwind and have a boost to their wellbeing.”

– Genny P