Electromagnetic Pollution to Scalar Wave Enhancement

By Dr. Sabina DeVita, Ed.D., R.N.C.P., author of 'Electromagnetic Pollution' & 'Saving Face: The Scents-Able Way to Wrinkle-Free Skin'

Dr. Sabina DeVita

Dr. Sabina Devita, recognized as the top researcher and trainer in the use of the GDV in North America and author of Electromagnetic Pollution, recently presented her research with the Gas Discharge Visualization Bioelectrography camera to the scientific community in Russia. This camera, developed by Russian scientist Dr. Korotkov and used in universities and hospitals, has been proved to have a 98% accu-racy rate for use as a medical diagnostic device. It's a perfect interface with Sandra's Energy Enhancement System. We highly recommend the use of the GDV, as it shows the profound, scientifically quantifiable results of being in the system. In the extensive research history with the GDV, it has been very rare for any-thing to provide as effective, efficient, and consistent improvements on the human energy field as quickly as the beneficial, long lasting effects seen with the Energy Enhancement System.

Electromagnetic pollution, the insidious and ubiquitous pollutant, is a real threat to our wellbeing. Computers, particularly the video display terminal or monitor, are the primary source of exposures to dangerous levels of radiation. As outlined in my book 'Electromagnetic Pollution,' EMF (electromagnetic frequencies) overexposure from monitors can cause an individual to experience chronic aches and pains, sleep disorders, irritability, loss of energy, general malaise and even mis-carriage. Am I contradicting myself by using the Energy Enhancement System technology in my office and actually having clients sit in a room surrounded by four computers?

I discovered that the opposite is happening with the Energy Enhancement technology. A natural, life-enhancing amor-phogenic resonance field is created by the programmed computers (using advanced algorithms and quantum physics) that produces an energy field called scalar waves. Scalar waves neutralize the harmful effects of EMF's. Clients are, in fact, experiencing calmness, deep relaxation, healing and a greater sense of awareness about themselves.

Electromagnetic waves are linear, Hertzian ('hurt'-zian) waves, which can be measured as a hertz frequency. Every elec-tronic device operates by way of oscillating electrical and/or magnetic fields, making them all EM wave generators, which alter our ambient environment.

Scalar waves on the other hand are non-linear, non-Hertzian waves also called longitudinal standing waves or zero point energy, which have the ability to carry information. Since scalars exist in 5-dimensional space/time, (faster than the speed of light), they do not decay with time or distance from their source, nor can they be measured with a linear/Hertzian device. They can only be measured indirectly.

Dr. Glen Rein, a quantum biologist, points out from his experiments on the effects of scalar waves on the immune and nervous system, that non-Hertzian fields can produce very profound direct effects on biological systems independ-ent of the belief of the individual. Scalars generate beneficial, cohesive and effective fields.

If scalars cannot be measured, then how can we detect biological changes?

I have been using a new advanced scalar technology called Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) Bioelectrography camera, which measures the human energy field. This has allowed me to detect and monitor changes in the subtle energy fields of individuals. GDV is the most advanced camera on the market today. It is the most comprehensive, full body-imaging device available.

GDV Bioelectrography Beograms

“The GDV beograms before and after treatment with the Energy Enhancement System™ show significant, positive changes in the bio-energetic field.” —Dr. Sabina DeVita, GDV Trainer

Left: Notice the front view; uneven and opened areas near the face, neck, breasts. Blood circulation is problematic.

Right: Notice the changes in the field after time in the Energy System. The field is more symmetrical and together. The Life Force has more fluidity.

Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, a highly regarded international scientist and physicist, renowned for his pioneering research over the last 20 years on the human ener-gy field, developed the computerized GDV camera, along with a team of Russian scientists. The GDV system allows for direct, realtime photos and videos of the entire energy field of humans, other organisms and materials. The information is extracted by software (computer processing of brightness, size, fractality and other parameters of the energy field) via the use of nonlinear mathematical analysis of fractal images, making the GDV system unique and distinctive from Kirlian photography. Bioelectrography is a non-invasive method monitoring bio-energetic information easi-ly acquired from the human finger tips.

The GDV photograph can give information about the psychological, emotional and physical condition of the individual. This new aura-imaging technique is the only available scientific device and is especially useful to show changes in the subtle energy distribution around the human body before and after any experience. The GDV camera has successfully passed clinical tests in Russia (passed by the ministry in 1999 for general clinical use without limitations), England, U.S.A., Germany, and Slovenia and is acknowledged in many other countries. It is currently underway at universities and research institutes world wide in medicine, conscious-ness studies, athlete training, biophysics, para-psychology and other areas.

"Before and after Beograms with my clients has shown quick, dramatic shifts in removing non-beneficial energies that are attached in the person's field with the use of the Energy Enhancement System." —Dr. Sabina DeVita

Earlier research proved that a subtle energy field surrounds all living organisms. More importantly, the electrical field that surrounds it influences the growth or program of every organism. Illness can appear in the energy field weeks and even months before it appears in the body. In other words, the energy field is a cosmic blueprint.

The thoughts that one creates generate patterns at the mind level of nature, which manifests in the physical. This tech-nology assists me to help my clients 'see' their own thought patterns, which allows them to clearly formulate their 'inten-tion' before entry to the Enhancement room. For example, one woman was feeling tired, low energy, and fatigue, with a loss of passion for life. Her Beogram (GDV photograph) showed psychic cords and an attached energy form. Her intention was to clear these cords and non- beneficial energies. After her experience in the Energy Enhancement room she felt lighter, freer and exuberant. Her Beogram now showed no psychic cords or any attachments. The GDV beograms before and after treatment with the Energy Enhancement room show significant, positive changes in the bio-energy field.

Sometimes specific emotional aromatic oils are used on the individual or in the room to potentiate the intention while in the room. Our most powerful and direct sense to the subconscious is 'smell.' Essential oils are the quickest way to trigger emo-tions and memory stored in the limbic system of the brain. The level of energy realized in the Enhancement room while focusing on the positive intention, works with the DNA to achieve the desired intention. A woman who desired to heal her 'diabetic' blood sugar issues showed another example of the power of the Enhancement system. She monitored her own blood sugar levels after her experience in the Enhancement room. Her levels in the morning were at 6.7, after the Enhancement room experience she found her levels to be in the normal range of 4: normal is 4.5. She was elated with her findings. My clients have expressed their surprise and delight with the Energy Enhancement system -that a healing place is, in fact, created with computers.

The Energy Enhancement healing chamber is providing an elegant, efficient and magnificent way in manifesting unlimited possibilities. The GDV Bioelectrography camera is providing a way to detect one's underlying emotional patterns and to monitor the subtle changes that take place in the Enhancement room. I heartily thank Sandra Rose Michael for the bless-ings she has given to our planet! Her wisdom, ingenuity, gentleness and love for humanity to achieve their "highest poten-tial," is a unique and wondrous gift to humankind.

With my sincerest gratitude,

Dr. Sabina DeVita

7700 Hurontario St., Suite 408, Brampton, ON L6Y 4M2 (905) 451-4475


For More Information Contact Scalar E, LLC:

HI: (808) 884-5644 CA: (760) 369-9636


Left: Dr. Sandra Rose, Dr. Sabina DeVita & Geof Riley.

If you wish more information on the purchase and training in the use of the GDV technology, contact Geoff Riley at: geofriley@hotmail.com

“People that have experienced the Energy Enhancement System have reported many benefits including an increased sense of well being, more energy, better sleep, and pain control. Others have been healed of blindness, diabetes, trauma, cataracts and stress. These findings support the life giving properties of this technology.” —Dr. Victor A. Marcial-Vega, M.D.

The information presented herein is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent. Medical advice should only be obtained from a qualified health care practitioner. Scalar E, LLC makes no claims regarding the above findings.